Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Is Controversy Neccessary?

During the past week, the only things I've heard about the NBA Finals is how boring it is and how the ratings suck. There are many theories as to why the ratings suck. I have heard the Spurs are boring a million times and I'm tired of it. They play the right way. They play their opponents style and beat them at it. The craziest theory I've heard is one by ESPN. On the radio, one of their radio hosts said no one is watching because their is no controversy. Controversy is not needed. We don't need T.O in every game so people will watch. REAL basketball fans LOVE the Spurs because they play the right way. They can win a slow, defensive game in the 70's or a high powered, offensive game in the 110's. The NCAA Tournament always has good ratings no matter who is playing. You know what the real problem is? ESPN. They are the main media outlet for sports and all they show is 10% highlights and 90% tabloid-type stuff. If the Yankees didnt exist and T.O never made it to the gridiron, ESPN would have nothing else to talk about. The Finals aren't as good as some recent ones but it is still entertaining to me.

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